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What categories should i use in the OSCG wiki?

If you are planning to write new documents, the following diagram shows which categories are available to use.


It is recomended that you document falls into one of the categories under the following conditions.

OSCG Projects

Category:Projects contains sub categories of any project a member wishes to create. All members must add their chosen project category to relevent documents.

[[Category:Boinc]] for Project boinc.

Help Categories

Cluster Config Files

Category:Config_files has no sub categories, only an alphabetical list of config files.

If your page belongs to this category, add the following to your page:


User FAQ

Category:FAQ has no sub categories, only an alphabetical list of topics with pages containing one or more questions with answers.


User HOWTO's

Category:HOWTO has no sub categories, only an alphabetical list of helpful HOWTO's.


OSCG Members

Category:Members contains sub categories belonging to members. All members must add their category to their documents

[[Category:Admin]] for User:Admin

Cluster locations

Category:Clusters contains sub categories of locations then sub categories of domain names for clusters.

If you are a cluster member, your pages must belong to its category.


Should I place Categories in any specific order?

Not really, although:

  • [[Category:Project_name]]
    • Dependant on document
  • [[Category:(Config_files or FAQ or HOWTO)]]
    • Dependant on document
  • [[Category:User_name]]
    • All documents must have at least this
  • [[Category:Cluster_name]]
    • only for members of clusters

Would Showthe following at the bottom of the page:

Categories: Project_name | Config_files or FAQ or HOWTO | User_name | Cluster_name

Would suggest the document is primarily a project and secondly a help file of a particular type. The user name comes next and should appear in all documents and if the member is part of a cluster that would come last.

This is not a strict way of doing things, just a nicer way of doing things.