Talk:Category Structure
Category Usage
I am writing this to try and make OSCG pages user friendly. Any comments or improvements greatly recieved.
Cluster Locations
Category:Clusters contains sub categories of locations then sub categories of domain names for clusters.
If you are a cluster member, your pages must belong to its category.
Cluster Config Files
Category:Config_files has no sub categories, only an alphabetical list of config files.
If your page belongs to this category, add the following to your page:
User FAQ
Category:FAQ has no sub categories, only an alphabetical list of topics with pages containing one or more questions with answers.
User HOWTO's
Category:HOWTO has no sub categories, only an alphabetical list of helpful HOWTO's.
OSCG Members
Category:Members contains sub categories belonging to members. All members must add their category to their documents
[[Category:Admin]] for User:Admin
OSCG Projects
Category:Projects contains sub categories of any project a member wishes to create. All members must add their chosen project category to relevent documents.
[[Category:Boinc]] for Project boinc.
Dont know if it makes a difference on what category is placed in which order, but arranging the wiki this way should give you between 1 and 4 categories relevent to the document a member is writing.
Could be nice order
- Category:Project_name (dependant on doc)
- Category:(Config_files or FAQ or HOWTO)(dependant on doc)
- Category:User_name (all Docs must have at least this)
- Category:Cluster_name (only for cluster owners)