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Pivot-oM is a network booting distro that enables openMosix kernels to be used on any Linux Distro installed on any storage device (NFS, HDD, USB etc).

For an instant cluster, access one of the Pivot-oM websites and get it custom built for your needs. The Master_Pivot-oM node can be created on any existing linux install and only requires installing dhcpd and TFTPd.

Become a Pivot-oM website by using one of the Pivot-oM nodes to completely build the entire project on one of the nodes storage devices by typing 'ROOT="%mounted local storage device%" emerge Pivot-oM' using a seperate branch on the portage tree within Pivot-oM in diskless operation mode.

Other features will be included into the diskless image... but the root must be 8Mb max (subject to change for requirements)

Pages in category "Pivot-oM"

This category contains only the following page.