Category talk:Pivot-oM

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Pivot-oM is a diskless kernel with an appended minimalistic root image for instant creation of openMosix nodes.


The root image has an init script to allow pivoting into optionally mounted roots if a stand alone node is not required. The nodes root is set on the master server on the dhcp daemon, and if required, could allow mounting of any device or network share as root.


The way Pivot-oM differs from other mini distros, is its ability to be compatable with root for any distro on any device even if its read only (may require the mini distro to access a compressed data base for distro configuration... or even gain access to one via its master node)

The distro is also different because the kernel has to also be minimalistic... no modules to clutter up the root image.


The Pivot-oM kernel is compiled on participating clusters upon request via a website and the current stable Pivot-oM root is appended. A bzImage, log files and Pivot-oM is available for download after email conformation that the job is finished. Pivot-oS is a collection of scripts that can be added to a cluster to enable it to build the Pivot-oM diskless image using its webserver and cron.

PLEASE NOTE, the name Pivot-oS will proberly change... this is more of a web conrolled cluster job management system... (could need to be a separate project) The setup has the ability to run scripts in a queue... possibilities to add date and hour scheduling... priorities based on user access and system jobs etc. (the entire cluster could use all its processing time job by job with live website statistics - Pivot-oM could just be a script for the master server to process)


Users Can log in and select their network card(s) they want supported, what type of hard drive hardware etc. The kernel is then built on any participating cluster and the root appended then made available for download.

Other features will be included into the diskless image... but the root must be 8Mb max (subject to change for requirements)