OM Benchmark Results

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Bowl Hat

These results were obtained by running the benchmark tool with 10 processes.

Version 1:

My Desktop (AMD AthlonXP 3000+) -

real    2m3.863s
user    1m59.798s
sys     0m0.535s

XYZ Network Cluster -

real    0m57.067s
user    3m25.500s
sys     0m0.060s

Version 2.00:

Desktop -

87.741636 seconds

Cluster -

44.503896 seconds

Version 1 shows that my cluster has a speedup of 46.07% over my desktop, and Version 2.00 shows a speedup of 50.72%. I tend to trust, more, the version 2.00 results as this version performs some rudementry floating point arithmetic as part of it's operation.

--Fremen 18:10, 1 Apr 2005 (BST)

Results comming soon from

real    Unknown
user    Unknown
sys     Unknown

--DP110 19:36, 1 Apr 2005 (BST)